"Wholesaler of restorable collectible radio and audio to the collector/restorer and dealers internationally since 1980."
Safety & Privacy
If you expect to buy any item , plug it in and use it on a regular basis you're on the wrong website.
The target customer of John Kendall's Vintage Electronics is the Collector/Restorer, i.e., a person with significant electronics experience, or at least the guidance of a person with significant electronics experience, who wants to do his/her own cosmetic and/or electronic restoration. The buyer can expect to have to, at least, clean the contacts of most of the vintage devices. Often the replacement of some electronic components will be required.
All vintage electronic devices, even those that appear to work, contain components that are decades old and should be considered DANGEROUS!
Some vintage devices, even when they were brand new, had, and still have, the potential to deliver a fatal shock if not handled properly.
If you are not a certified electronics technician you should consult with one before you apply power to any device you purchase from John Kendall’s Vintage Electronics.
By checking the “I agree” box on the order form you agree to accept full responsibility for any and all damage or injury related to the device.
Simply stated John Kendall's Vintage Electronics does not sell, lend or give any of your personal information to any entity.
Financial information is all handled by PayPal so I have no access to that.
For possible future use
Payment Methods
- Credit / Debit Cards
- Offline Payments